AFD GHASORG SUPPORT: Message from Director-General of SIGA
The Ghana SOEs Oversight, Reforms, and Governance technical assistance program (GHASORG) by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) has offered a tremendous boost to how the State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA) monitors the performance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Joint Venture Companies (JVCs) and other Specified Entities (OSEs)
This project will assist SIGA in fulfilling its mission of overseeing and administering State’s interests in Specified Entities, to ensure shareholder value, financial sustainability, and good corporate governance. Through the support of GHASORG, SIGA will develop and promote good corporate governance in our entities; update and enhance monitoring and evaluation tools and frameworks; as well as develop and implement an integrated ICT solution for real time performance monitoring.
SIGA and the Government of Ghana is extremely grateful to AFD for its support both financial and technical as the results begin to show. SIGA remains committed to achieving its vision of Transforming Specified Entities through EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMANCE and AFD remains a key component of that commitment.
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