The State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA) Act, 2019 (Act 990) mandates the Authority to promote within the framework of Government policy, the efficient or where applicable profitable operations of the specified entities. To carry out this object, the Authority is enjoined:
- 4(b) to ensure adherence to the terms and conditions of the Annual Performance Contract signed by the Authority with the State-owned Enterprises and the Other Specified Entities.
- 4(c) monitor and evaluate the performance of Joint Venture Companies: and
- 4(e) to prepare and submit, to the Minister, an Annual Assessment Report on the Governance and Institutional Performance of the Specified Entities.
One of the tools used by SIGA in its oversight of SEs is the Performance Management Framework which comprises Performance Negotiations and Contracting, Performance Monitoring and Performance Evaluation. This, therefore, requires the urgent need for staff of SIGA and Specified Entities to be constantly abreast with M&E best practices and trends to be able to support the attainment of business goals. For instance, in 2023, seventy-three (73) specified entities have signed performance contracts with SIGA compared to sixty-three (63) in 2022 and sixty-seven (67) in 2021. Monitoring and Evaluation is therefore a key tool of the authority, which provides the needed information on the assessment of the performance of the Specified Entities.
The Authority is expected to provide capacity building for staff and Specified Entities in M&E. The forum will therefore serve as a capacity-building platform to share and discuss modern trends and best practices in M&E and address some M&E gaps faced by Specified Entities. It will also expose M&E Participants to best practices and emerging trends from the international M&E perspective. The forum will also narrow down to discussions on findings from the implementation of the Annual Performance Contract with SEs.
In view of the above, SIGA with funding from the “Agence Francaise de Developpment” and in collaboration with Expertise France (EF) intends to engage the services of an experience and capable Firm to facilitate the Monitoring and Evaluation Forum for the Authority.
The overall objective of the assignment is to build the capacities and promote the sharing of experience among M&E practitioners of SIGA and Specified Entities.
Specifically, the Consultant is expected to:
- Facilitate the organization and delivery of presentations and panel discussions on emerging trends in M&E to about 370 participants comprising SIGA Staff, Specified Entities, and other Government Stakeholders.
- Facilitate the organization and delivery of presentations and discussions on finding from the implementation of the Annual Performance Contract.
The scope of work entails procurement of a conference facility and facilitators, as well as a subject-matter presentation and panel discussions. A consultant will be required to deliver the scope of work. The Consultant’s work consists mainly of four (4) parts, to:
- engagement sessions with SIGA Leadership and Technical staff of PME Division and other Divisions.
- Deliver presentations and panel discussions on modern and emerging M&E practices.
- Facilitate panel discussions on findings from the implementation of the Annual Performance Contract.
- Develop an in-depth M&E Module; and
- Facilitate the organization of forum and training of about 370 participants on the module.
- Engage SIGA Leadership and Technical Staff to understand SIGA’s Performance Management Framework. Engagement with the technical team will enable the consultant to understand the need, nature and scope of the M&E discussions required as well as how the forum is to be organized. This engagement shall enable the consultant to have an in-depth understanding of the assignment.
- Study the existing Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and implementation to document and provide information on the existing arrangement for monitoring and evaluation under the Performance Contract. This will help the consultant to facilitate the presentation and panel discussions on findings from the Annual Performance Contract.
- Facilitate an in-depth capacity building presentation and panel discussions on Monitoring and Evaluation covering at the barest minimum:
- M&E as a tool to drive business strategy.
- Globally accepted M&E practices and emerging trends.
- New updates in the 2024 Performance Contract Process.
- Facilitate and deliver the training and discussions to about 370 participants drawn from SIGA, 128 Specified Entities, MOF/PIAD, PES, PSC, CAGD, AG, PPA, MOI. The Consultant shall be required to:
- Provide the conference facility, and facilitators as well as discussants.
- Facilitate notices and invitations to stakeholders and coordinate their attendance.
- Provide administrative support to the forum (confirmation of participants, registration desk on forum day, secretariat, etc.)
The State Interests and Governance Authority now invites eligible firms to express their interest by providing evidence of the following eligible documents for shortlisting.
- Certificate to Commence Business
- Certificate of Incorporation
- VAT Registration Certificate
- Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
- Valid SSNIT Clearance Certificate
- Evidence of Public Procurement Authority (PPA) Registration / Valid Certificate
- Certified Audited Accounts for the past three (3) years (i.e., 2019, 2020 & 2021)
- Firms Profile indicating relevant experience with references
- Firms will be made to sign statement of integrity, eligibility, environmental and social responsibility (Kindly visit SIGA website siga.gov.gh to download)
This Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) will be conducted through the procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663 as amended). The method of evaluating the RFP will be the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) and in the Guidelines of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) of the Republic of Ghana.
The duration for the completion of assignment shall be no longer than four (4) months. The assignment is expected to commence one (1) week after contract award.
Interested firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 hours GMT, Monday to Friday.
Expression of interest shall be in English and must be delivered in a written form in five (5) hard copies (one original and four copies) with an electronic copy on pen drive in a sealed envelope and clearly marked ‘EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO FACILITATE MONITORING AND EVALUATION FORUM’ and submit to the Procurement Office of SIGA, First Floor Room 111 in person, or by courier by 16:00 hours GMT on or before Wednesday 20th December, 2023
Please Note: Alternatively, electronic submission via the email provided below can be accepted.
The Director-General
State Interests and Governance Authority
- O. Box M 393 Ministries – Accra
Tel: +233 244 895 900
E-mail: frank.ademan@siga.gov.gh