SIGA Charts Course for Excellence at 2024 Board Retreat


The State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA) has successfully hosted its 2024 Board Retreat at the Peduase Valley Resort in the Eastern Region from June 6th to 8th, 2024.

The two-day gathering brought together members of the Authority’s Board, Executive Management, and select staff from various divisions to foster a collaborative environment for strategic planning and knowledge sharing.

On the first day of the retreat, the Director-General of SIGA, Mr. John Boadu, delivered a comprehensive briefing to the board, updating them on latest developments and progress made by the Authority. He also sought the Board’s guidance and wisdom on addressing some of the longstanding legacy issues that have being affecting the Authority.

The second day of the retreat was dedicated to a thorough review of SIGA’s 7-year Strategic Plan. Participants engaged in discussions and brainstorming sessions, assessing the progress made so far, identifying areas for improvement, and outlining strategies for transitioning into the plan’s second phase.

The retreat was further enriched by a presentation from Dr. Mohammed Sani, the Programme Director of the PFM4SD Programme, who delivered an update on the progress and achievements of the DLI programme.

Mr. Joseph Sarpong, Manager with SIGA’s Performance, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) Division, and lead of the GHASORG Project, also shared insights on latest developments and collaborations with the French Development Agency (AFD).

Participants engaged in discussions, leveraging their collective expertise to address key opportunities and challenges facing the organization and setting a stage for a productive and impactful year.

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