State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA) and the Ministry of Public Enterprises have organised a consultative forum on a Code of Corporate Governance .
The one-day event which came off at the Labadi Beach Hotel was supported by Agence Francaise de Developpment (AFD), Expertise France and the World Bank.
The forum was to solicit inputs and recommendations into a draft code of corporate governance which has being put together by SIGA as part of its mandate.
The Director- General of SIGA, Hon. Stephen Asamoah-Boateng revealed the desire of the President to have Specified Entities (SEs) play key roles in funding the many ambitious projects of government.
“We can only make the president’s desire a reality only if we begin to pay attention to efficient running of SEs and by adhering strictly to good corporate governance”,
“The SIGA Act 990, section 4 (d) enjoins us to come out with a code of corporate governance as a blue print by which the action and performance of SEs would be measured. However, we believe that to come out with a document that will stand the test of time, a quality document that would be owned and accepted by all, we need your stakeholder participation”, he said.
Hon. Joseph Cudjoe, Minister for Public Enterprises who graced the occasion encouraged participants to make recommendations and critic the document to ensure that they would be proud to be associated with it when finally ratified and published.
The consultative forum which was facilitated by Ishmael Yamson and Associates also had Mr. Sylvain Rousselle a consultant to the GHASORG project financed by AFD delivering a solidarity message.
Amongst the participants at the forum were, Prof. Amin Alhassan Director General of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Madam Frances Essiam CEO of Ghana Cylinder Manufacturing Company, Mr. David Asante MD of Ghana Publishing Corporation, Chief Director for Ministry of Public Enterprises, Heads of Divisions and Managers from SIGA and Senior executives from Specified Entities.
The very interactive programme ended with Entities being given the opportunity to take a second look at the document and submit additional inputs for consideration.